We are proud to announce the participation of our artists and designers in the exhibition Kleureyck | Van Eyck's Colours in Design at the Design Museum Gent (18 May 2020 - 21 February 2021)
In honour of the Year of Van Eyck in Ghent, the museum is hosting a large exhibition on the innovative and diverse use of colour. The exhibition starts from the unprecedented hues of Jan van Eyck and illustrates the significance of colour to contemporary designers.
Curator: Siegrid Demyttenaere together with Sofie Lachaert (pigment walk)
Works part of the exhibition are:
atelier lachaert dhanis - Palette Rug
Eelko Moorer - Jungle Vase (Purple)
Glithero - En Route III
Johannes Nagel - Vessel
Lukas Wegwerth - Crystallization 156
Max Lamb - Jigsaw (Richlite)
Sam Orlando Miller - Stella Nuova
Voukenas Petrides - Splayed Tear Tube Chair